Thursday 30 July 2009

Just Thought You Should Know

Our first trip on the Bus

So Jude and I have to take the bus now, since I have been in England for one year and haven't taken my driving test yet to get a license. My Maerican licnse only works for one year here, and then I have to get an English on e to legally drive. Anyway, I am working on that now. :)
SO we took a bus trip to the Hospital for a Scan to find out what sex the next Greaves baby would be! That's right, I am 5 months pregnant!!!!! You are the first to know if you are reading this now.

Our trip to California last month

Last month I went home to California to see my family. It was so lovely to see everyone. Jude had an especially great time hanging with his cousins. I hope to see you all again soon.
Jude trying to tickle Eliza (my sister, Mandy's daughter) while Noah runs away. (my sister, Melissa's son) Jude is just 6 months younger than them .
Jude fell asleep on my lap while we waited at the Doctor's office. He was not feeling well at all, poor muffin. He ended up having a virus and an ear infection.
Jude (left) and Noah show their more delicate side at Sammy's (Melissa's daughter) princess birthday party.

Jude in Dad's Motorcycle Gear

Talk about walking in Dad's footsteps!! Jude is wearing James' Motorcycle gear or "kit" as they call it here in England. It's kind of like a farewell to James wild days since we can't afford another bike for him after his accident. Sorry love, but Jude does look so cute in your clothes. Perhaps a bit cuter than you do. :)

We Are The Greaves